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Qinshan Magic Path

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Location: Lianyungang
Address: Southwest of Qinshan Island, Ganyu County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China
Fee: Free access
Operation: An open beach
Route: Take a bus to Ganyu County


The magic path is located in the southwest of Qinshan Island, Ganyu County, under the jurisdiction of Lianyungang City. The path is ten km long stretching out from the island to the mainland.

The path was witnessed in history books and has remained the same shape for the past thousand years.

The path is submerged in water when tide rises but reappears when tide lowers. It looks mysterious that the bigger white pebbles in the middle of the path are naturally segregated from the smaller dark pebbles curbing its sides.

It is said that the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, the Qinshihuang, paved the path but no one has been able to prove that. The path was probably formed naturally by tides and waves a thousand years ago.

If you want to visit a beach, go there both for exploration and swimming.

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